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Sunday, March 1, 2015

You're amazing, but I never want to see you again.

You’ve been out with someone once or twice. He’s a good guy, but you’re just not feeling a connection. You’re definitely not interested in another date, but you want to exit the situation gracefully. One option is to say nothing- after all, he might not be “feeling it” either.

But what if the guy wants to see you again?

When I’m in this situation, I generally write a variation of the following:

"Hey Matt. Thanks so much for the very lovely date. I had a really nice time
 with you, but I don’t think we’re match. Take care and good luck!"

My friends and I jokingly call these “You’re amazing, but I never want to see you again” texts. Rejection texts aren’t pleasant to send or receive, but if the chemistry just isn’t there, it’s much better to cut things off than to lead someone on. Dating someone you’re not interested is a mutual waste of time and energy, and ultimately leads nowhere. Texts like these are an inherent and necessary part of dating.

BTW- The guy’s last response to my text made me happy that I wasn’t seeing him again.

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